The Trust

The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Trust (GWRT) is a Registered Charity (No. 1133186) and a Company limited by guarantee. The aim of GWRT is ‘to maintain and develop a railway museum for the benefit of the public, buffer stop to buffer stop, fence to fence’. GWRT does not own any infrastructure or operate any trains.

Working Together

The GWSR plc and the GWR Trust work together to ensure the success of the railway.

The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway plc (GWSR) operates the railway, which is owned by its shareholders.

The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Trust (GWRT) was formed to bring together those interested in supporting the railway.

All the working staff of the railway report to the GWSR, and are all unpaid volunteers who must in addition be current members of the GWRT.

The day-to-day operations of the plc and the Trust are in the hands of boards of directors that are elected by their respective members (or shareholders). Coordination is facilitated by having some directors who sit on both boards. The management team at the GWSR sets the strategic goals for the railway, and directs the activities of the volunteer workforce.

The GWRT produces The Cornishman house magazine, and organises various social activities for the members and volunteers.

Any profits that arise in either organisation are ploughed back into the railway to ensure its continual enhancement. Membership of the GWRT and shareholdings in the GWSR are encouraged at all levels.

This website is the official website of the GWSR plc. The GWR Trust have their own website which you can visit by clicking here.

How it works

Anyone can become a member of GWRT on payment of an annual (or life) subscription; being a Registered Charity, GWRT is able to claim Gift Aid on subscriptions and donations. It is also able to accept legacies without tax implications. Many members of the GWRT are also shareholders of GWSR.

The available funds of GWRT are used to support the maintenance and development of GWSR; applications for grants are made by GWSR and affiliated groups on site and each is considered by the GWRT Board. If the request is considered to be within the aims and charitable status of GWRT, the Board will make a grant in full or in part. If an item is purchased by GWSR or the affiliated group, it remains the property of GWSR or that affiliated group.

From time to time, GWRT receives donations or legacies of railway artefacts. As many of these as possible are used or displayed on GWSR but some, with the donors agreement, are sold in order to raise funds for future grants. Please refer to the ‘Legacies’ page if you would like to help us.

Membership is an essential part of the success of GWSR; there are good membership benefits including an excellent, full-colour quarterly magazine. So if you want to help GWSR, JOIN US!