Volunteering & Job Vacancies

This page contains up to date information on our volunteer recruitment. For information on current volunteer vacancies, please contact our Recruitment Manager, recruitment.manager@gwsr.com or our Recruitment Officer, recruitment.officer@gwsr.com

Volunteer Recruitment

Interested in volunteering and not sure which volunteer role is best for you?  Come and meet our Recruitment Team and hear what volunteering is all about and which roles are currently available.

Meet The Recruitment Team events for 2024 are planned for:


23 March

20 April

18 May

15 June

20 July

17 August

21 September

19 October

All sessions will start at 13.30 in the Terry Creswell training room, on Platform 1, at Winchcombe Station.  These sessions last around 2 hours, are very informal, with plenty of opportunity for questions and answers.  If you are thinking of coming, please tell us by email to recruitment.officer@gwsr.com.

Alternatively, if you already know the department that you would like to join, then why not apply today by submitting an application form found by following this link.

Becoming a volunteer on our Railway is a great opportunity to help keep one of Gloucestershire's foremost visitor attractions running - and it is fun too! Uniquely for a Heritage Railway of our size we rely almost exclusively on volunteers to keep it operational. The professionalism which our volunteers bring to the Role they are undertaking, is always appreciated by our visitors.